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The WatchGuard APT Blocker is a new service available for all WatchGuard Unified Threat Management (UTM) and Next-Gen Firewall platforms. This WatchGuard APT Blocker 1-Year subscription for the WatchGuard Firebox M300 is one of the industry's most sophisticated platforms for detecting advanced persistent threats and zero day evasive malware.
Advanced malware now threatens every network. Even yours
Zero-day attacks and malicious programs once targeted only the largest networks. Not any more. They're taking aim at networks of all sizes. The likelihood yours will be attacked grows every day.
Detect advanced persistent threats instantly
New WatchGuard APT Blocker provides real-time protection with one of the industry's most sophisticated platforms for detecting advanced persistent threats and zero-day malware. And it's available now on all WatchGuard Unified Threat Management and Next-Gen Firewall appliances.
Seeing is knowing
WatchGuard APT Blocker integrates with WatchGuard Dimension, an award-winning security visibility solution that enables you to recognise advanced threats the moment they strike. WatchGuard Dimension comes standard on WatchGuard's Unified Threat Management platform.